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Home » Alberta First Nation takes the lead on a large-scale solar farm

Alberta First Nation takes the lead on a large-scale solar farm

solar farm

An Alberta First Nation is launching the Tilley Solar Project, a bold project comprising 70,000 photovoltaic panels. This solar field will produce enough clean, renewable energy to power 20,000 typical homes annually.

The Tilley Solar Project is located about 200 KM southeast of Calgary. Here are more fun facts that make this project great:

  • Creating 280 full-time jobs and $20 million in labour income
  • Reducing Alberta’s greenhouse gas emissions by 14,200 tonnes annually (that’s like removing 4,350 passenger cars from the roads
  • Providing a reliable and strong revenue stream to First Nations businesses and communities, contributing to economic reconciliation
  • And, as mentioned, power 20,000 typical homes!

The Tilley Solar Project is a venture between Alexander First Nation and First Nation Power Development Inc.

Ian Arcand, CEO of the Alexander Business Centre was quoted in the Globe and Mail saying, “Having a sustainable, consistent revenue stream from a project like this is important for us, just as it’s important for other First Nations.”

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