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Utility Bill Auditing

Find out your utility bill’s accuracy and get the information to fix overcharging mistakes.

We make sense of utility tracking, so you save money.

Tracking your utility bills requires a lot of data crunching, navigating regulations, researching rates, and understanding and applying many variables. You need experienced analytical powers to make sense of it all. That’s where Solution 105 comes in.

Making sense of your energy usage

We use a state-of-the-art utility bill auditing and tracking software

Solution 105’s user-friendly online system allows you to:

  • Access data from anywhere, online, 24/7.
  • Identify usage patterns and highlight deviations.
  • Set benchmarks and budgets for single or multiple building sites.
  • Quickly identify discrepancies and incorrect billing.
  • Track and report electricity, natural gas and water usage simply and effectively.
  • Graph bills for any specific time period.
  • Identify and reward sites with best practices.

It makes utility bill tracking easy, which allow you to save energy and money.

Save money with utility bill tracking

There’s no way to fix a problem unless you know where it is and how to fix it. Solution 105’s utility bill auditing service and software are efficient and effective. We will pinpoint areas of high consumption, find a solution, and start saving you money on your utility bills.